March 8, 2007

This week has been weak.

This week has been on the lame side. I have not been looking forward to it as it loomed on the horizon like a funnel cloud for the past few months. But when it arrived it became much more complicated.

I was looking towards a huge criminal trial list on Tuesday the 6th, with only very vague ideas of what my clients wanted me to try to accomplish, and I had a civil trial scheduled for today which perplexed me in that there seemed to be no dispute about the facts, and I was sure I was missing some critical piece of knowledge that would explain why we were rolling the dice on a trial rather than settling.

The new ads in the yellow pages seem to be generating a lot of calls, and that makes things hectic, and I picked up, somewhat by accident, a new federal client who is charged with a very serious crime and who speaks no English or Spanish. This added a half day with an interpreter on Wednesday and then I took a 50 minute trip to Dover to visit a client in jail, then back to Bangor to prep my client for the civil case, then came home to see if Joey needed a ride to Ellsworth for a church meeting since I had her car. (My truck has shed its mortal coil spring and so we are down to one vehicle). Then got to Ellsworth around 6:15 p.m.

I got done at church at about 10:00, back home by 11:00 and up at 4:00 to finish getting ready for the trial.

The trial went smooth. I still don't know why we bothered to do it.

A dear sister in our branch passed away earlier this week, so I have been trying to offer some assistance to the family in planning the funeral. That has taken some juggling, but Joey has been trooper and not complained about being a single mom, and my office has been very understanding about rescheduling things that weren't critical.

All this has been acompanied by -30 wind chill in a month I still think of as a "spring" month.

Tomorrow will be another busy day and night, and the funeral is set for Saturday. Sunday, my two counselors will be out of town and Monday I'm picking a jury in an Aggravated Trafficking Cocaine case, so not too much let up, though I am glad to have the civil trial behind me. Its always much easier being the defendant than the prosecutor or plaintiff too, because its perfectly acceptable to sit there with your client and criticize the other side's lack of planning or execution, seeing as they have the burden of proof and have to do all the heavy lifting.

If you are interested in a sweet 1994 Ford F-150 4WD pick-up truck with under 176,000 miles, please drop me a line. It has a current inspection sticker, and I can help you arrange shipping.

Peace, Out.


Unknown said...

Could the person wanting your truck trade us one that is working???

The Practicalist said...

No more Fords for me, thanks. Not since mine caught fire in the p/l after sitting quietly for 6 hours...

Otherwise, thanks for the encouraging outlook on the day in the life of a small town lawyer. I wonder if its too late to get my first year tuition back.