June 23, 2007

Please write to Orrin Hatch and John Ensign of Nevada

If it bothers you that, soon, illegal aliens will be getting social security, medicare, and unemployment benefits, then take a moment and please write to your senator.

If you want to understand the issue better, I would recommend NRO and Steve Sailer. Here is a key graph from Steve's new column, though its worth reading the whole thing:
For instance, it’s of some relevance to crafting immigration policy to know that 5 billion people live in countries with lower average per capita GDPs than Mexico. About a fifth of the 135 million people in the world of Mexican descent now reside in America, and another 40 million Mexicans tell pollsters they’d like to immigrate here.

Sailer posted an email from a reader:

According to Krikorian and Kaus, these are the 12 Senators on the fence (there may be more). Perhaps you could post this list with the following directions. It took me all of 10 minutes to do this.

1) open up each link in a new tab in Firefox
2) prepare a message in a text editor, such as the following:

"Dear Senator,

Please vote AGAINST cloture on the upcoming immigration bill. It is a disaster and would be ruinous for this country if passed. Thank you.



[Signature with affiliations, etc. may also be useful to include]"

3) paste it into each text field, update the contact info, and hit send. It's ok if you're out of state, the Senate in particular is a national organ.


Bond (R-Mo.)

Bingaman (D-N.M.)

Burr (R-N.C.)

Boxer (D-Calif.)

Cochran (R-Miss.)

Conrad (D-N.D.)

Ensign (R-Nev.)

Levin (D-Mich.)

Gregg (R-N.H.)

Nelson (D-Neb.)

Hatch (R-Utah)

Webb (D-Va.).

I decided to do my part, though some of the links did not work for me. Here is my email I sent:

First of all, in the subject I had to select immigration, rather than AMNESTY. I am heartily in favor of increased immigration, provided that it is legal immigration.

I am opposed to amnesty for those who have violated our laws, snuck into the country, and show up in our emergency rooms without insurance, drive without licenses, and drive down our wages.

A vote for cloture is a vote for amnesty, and amnesty will further burden our country with people who, according to the heritage foundation, cost $3 for every dollar they contribute.

Please vote against cloture.

I know some of you guys are in Nevada and Utah, It would be important between now and Tuesday to call or write your senators.

Just tell them to keep it real, or better yet, NO WAY, Jose!

June 22, 2007

Thats what I call art.

The guy, the girl and the Paddle are real, the raft, the waterfall and the aligator are painted on a flat plaza.

In this one, the guy is standing on a plaza, not a diving board.

Read more about it here and here.

From a different perspective:

Look how little the gator head is, not much bigger than the rattle can next to it.

June 19, 2007

OK, its been a while.

Since my last post I have become unemployed. You would think, (probably from watching Sanford and Son) that as an unemployed person I would have plenty of time on my hands to be loafing around, railing against "THE MAN" and fomenting revolution. You would be wrong. The Revolution will not be televised.

Anyway, to make up for it, here's a little election analysis from a guy who I think used to drive Mitt around back in Boston, now blogs with Hugh Hewitt.

And for Joey, a video about how family councils are supposed to look. You have to wait to the end of the video, but I really thought the video was worth watching. I kind of agreed with Tagg's comments at the end. His Dad has been lucky, and sometimes I wonder if there is more to it than that.