January 31, 2007

Baby Update

Update: No baby yet.

Joey went to the Dr. yesterday and he did another ultra-sound and a stress test. The ultrasound showed that there is a baby in there, beyond that, not too helpful.

This Christmas, in addition to flying my entire family out to the valley of the Great Salt Lake, my parents gave me some money. I spent most of it on wool pants, mukluks and snowshoes.

I bought some lampwick for bindings and tried out the snowshoes on Saturday, (after thawing pipes, fixing furnace going to the dump etc. The bindings are simple, field expedient and light. You can remove the snowshoes without untying the bindings, but it is not particulary quick or graceful, at least with the military mukluks, but with real mukluks it might be doable. That could be a nusiance, or it could be really helpful if you plunge through some thin ice and need to kick free in a hurry. I wasn't really able to put the snowshoes on without tugging them on with my hands. The snowshoes seemed to stay on fine, although you can move your foot about 45 degrees to the side before feeling any resistance from the showshoe. They are floppy in other words. When walking on the shoes, at least in sub-zero weather on less than 3" of snow, the shoes track perfectly and the bindings are very comfortable. I had no trouble with my foot moving to far forward, and there was no squeezing feeling around the foot or the ankle.

I like the set up. The mukluks are great, but I still would like to sew some traditional mukluks up some time. Before I take that on I need to finish my Duluth style pack.


Unknown said...

Why haven't I seen the handsome picture of you before???

Kris said...

You haven't seen it either, Joey?? It is a great picture, although I don't think in real life I have ever seen you look so serious, Matt. You look like...an attorney?? maybe that's it. Anyway, it is a very handsome photo. I would like to try snowshoeing sometime, but it probably won't be this year! oh well. sounds like you had fun trying out the gear.