January 23, 2007

Genealogy Find of the Day

Here is a copy of a death certificate that I found online at the Utah state archives. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)

It seems to match Carl Erickson, my great-great-grandfather. You can find a familseach.org link here and then search for Carl Erickson. The question I have is that the names don't match too well on the parents. Familysearch had his dad's name as Erik Magnus Knutson, the death certificate has Eric Erickson as the dad. The archives site is pretty cool, but I had to look through the names one at a time because I seached for Carl, the archives have him as Karl. Anyway, worth a look if you have ancestors in Utah.

1 comment:

Kris said...

This is cool! I didn't know archives like these were on there. I haven't gotten into family history yet...I should. Of course, I could just rely on you to do it all - but then there's the other side of the family!