May 8, 2007

Romney continues to carry out his plan.

On the heels of his debate performance, Mitt is starting to move up in the polls in the early states. His plan has been to: 1. Raise money, not that he needs it, because he could and would spend $100,000,000 of his own money. Rather because its a way to gain attention. 2. Establish an organization. McCain has been working on his organization since 2000, but Romney's organization and endorsements are at least equal to McCain's and Superior to everyone else. 3. Be in the game, as opposed to Mike Huckabee, or Duncan Hunter who have no chance of winning the nomination. Obviously he did this when he won the governor's race in Mass. Leno shows he is still in it. 4. Win or place 2nd in Iowa. To do this he needs a huge organization (see 2 above) and shake a lot of hands, and have a message that resonates. 5. Win or place 2nd in New Hampshire, which by law will always be the first primary in the nation. New Hampshire's secretary of state selects whatever day he wants, as long as it is a week before anybody else's primary. A recent poll shows him leading in New Hamshire.

If Romney pulls this off, he will be as well known as Giuliani or McCain, and he will seem invincible because of his money and his organization and his momentum. The week following the N.H. primary will determine who gets the nomination. Running in all those primaries will require organization, and momentum, and I think Romney may have both.

More on the New Hampshire Poll

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