May 12, 2007

A vote for Mitt is a vote for Satan

I don't think Mitt can count on this guy in the primaries. Maybe the general election, but even that is not a sure bet.

If you vote for Mitt Romney, you are voting for satan! This message today is not about Mitt Romney. Romney is an unashamed and proud member of the Mormon cult founded by a murdering polygamist pedophile named Joseph Smith nearly 200 years ago. The teachings of the Mormon cult are doctrinally and theologically in complete opposition to the Absolute Truth of God's Word. There is no common ground. If Mormonism is true, then the Christian faith is a complete lie. There has never been any question from the moment Smith's cult began that it was a work of satan and those who follow their false teachings will die and spend eternity in hell.

He's not alone. People in South Carolina, an important early primary state, are receiving helpful pamphlets explaining that Mormons are evil, and really no different from Muslims because both religions espouse war or something. Yeah, and its a hoax and stuff.

McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform has some effect on all this. The law seeks to limit candidates ability to respond to attacks like this as the election gets closer. I happen to believe that way to counter hate speech is with more speech, not trying to shut everybody up. John McCain feels differently.

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